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What do Arcanas do?

Arcanas are supplements to the character you pick. Giving a large range of benefits (and sometimes penalties) to suit your various needs


There are many ways an Arcana can affect your game


  • - Specials - Every Arcana gives your character an extra set of moves to use. Each Arcana has…

    • Specials

    • Supers

    • Arcana Eclipse - It can only be done in Extend Force, and the “cost” is that it causes your extend force to regenerate slightly slower. 214B+C is the input for Eclipse, but you must be grounded

    • Arcana Blaze - Barely used. These are megasupers but they essentially cause your Extend Force to be unusable for a very long time, most of the time as long as bursting would disable it for.


  • Charged E - They all change the way the E attacks work in some way, most of the time it is the charged one that is changed. You can have effects such as Thunders “Force Clash” on the charge time of E, to being unblockables in Fire instead of Guard Crush


  • Extend Force Passive - During Extend force, every Arcana has its own special passive that is in effect. With extremely diverse effects. Examples such as Love being able to cancel Specials into Arcana Specials, Magnetism has a passive pull, Thunder turns all blocking into Clashes. 


  • Meter - While this is not actually obvious at first, one of the things that changes with each Arcana, is also the meter game.

    • Changes the amount of meter gained from various actions - Each Arcana builds meter differently, for example Punishment can only gain meter on offensive actions (and alot of it too), while Metal can only build it via getting “wailed on”  or Charging it using its special it has.

    • Changes the rate meter recharges - Also recharge rates also depend on the Arcana, as a good example, Time regenerates meter EXTREMELY slowly in comparison to Evil


  • Extend Force Recharge and Durations - in addition to the previously mentioned Extend Force Passives, each Arcana also has a different set of numbers for their Recharge and Duration Rates. This also includes separate numbers for Burst AND Blaze. For example Flower has a very short duration and recharge time on Extend Force Cancel, but Punishment has extremely long durations and recharge time.​

    • During Extend Force, you also can take and deal different amounts of damage based on your Arcana Pick


  • Health Stats - Each Arcana also changes health abit, both for you and for the opponent. As an example, Earth grants both you and the opponent more health. Wind takes away a huge amount of health from you, and gives your opponent a lot of health as well. Overall not something that important


  • Mechanic Changing Passives - Some Arcanas can even change the system mechanics, most famous example being wind. Wind grants your character “1 Additional Air option” so either a 3rd jump, or a second Airdash. It also gives you pushblock in place of the normal 6D Guardcancel. Not all Arcanas can change the mechanics of the game

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