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This blog will contain a lot of information, information which definitely should not be consumed in one go


Only use this site as a way to get answers to the questions you may have, from playing the game. The -in my opinion- best way to go about learning this game is

  1. Play Game

  2. Run into a problem

  3. Come here to see if there is a post on the problem you have




Welcome to my dodgy corner where I explain my views how to play Arcana Heart .


The game is hard, everything that happens in the game doesn't make sense (like "Neutral") and there isn't any resources to explain what is going on


For example there are guides and the Wiki to explain what the mechanics do but very little on how to actually use them. 


I'm making this website to help explain the how's, and more importantly, the why's of the Games Meta. Also to save time explaining ideas and concepts over and over again, every time a new player joins the Discord Server :V

Anyways, join the Discord Server if you have questions, or want me to cover an aspect of the game I haven't done yet


Things I will cover

  • Anything regarding how to actually play the game

  • Questions that new players keep asking

  • Things you can do to practice in your own time


Things I probably won't cover

  • Things you can find on the AH3 Wiki, unless I need it to explain a portion of gameplay

  • Character Guides and Movelists

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